Multiple-Choice Questions or Objective Type Questions on Solar System [PDF Included]

Are you looking for Multiple-Choice Questions on Solar System, if yes then you are in the right place? Here in this article, I will show you some Multiple Choice Questions based on Solar systems. Further, there is also a Quiz on Solar System. I hope, you will enjoy in appearing the quiz.

However, at the end of this article, you will also find a PDF downloadable button from where you can download the PDF format of this MCQ sheet. So now let’s move into the MCQ questions.

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MCQ or Viva Questions or Objective Questions on Solar System

Here are the Objective Type Questions on Solar System:

  • Earth rotates from:
  1. West to east direction ✔️
  2. East to west direction
  3. None of the above
  • The ring of Saturn is made of:
  1. Rocks
  2. Ice
  3. Dust
  4. Both 2 and 3 ✔️
  • Which of the following planet is dwarf planet?
  1. Pluto
  2. Ceres
  3. Eris
  4. All of the above ✔️
  • The Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of _______________.
  1. 45.5 degree
  2. 23.5 degree ✔️
  3. 65.5 degree
  4. 75.5 degree
  • Who was the first man to step on the moon?
  1. Kalpana Chowla
  2. Rakesh Sharma
  3. Neil Armstrong ✔️
  • The first man landed on Moon in _____________.
  1. 1949
  2. 1959
  3. 1969 ✔️
  4. 1979
  • How many moons Mars has?
  1. 2 ✔️
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
  • The largest moon of Neptune is ______.
  1. Phobos
  2. Deimos
  3. Charon
  4. Triton ✔️
  • The largest moon of Saturn is ____________________.
  1. Phobos
  2. Deimos
  3. Titan ✔️
  4. Charon
  • Which planets don’t have any moons?
  1. Neptune and Jupitar
  2. Saturn and Mars
  3. Venus and Mars
  4. Venus and Mercury ✔️
  • Which axis of the earth causes the seasons?
  1. straight
  2. tilted ✔️
  3. longitudinal
  4. none of the above
  • The full form of GPS is:
  1. Global Picture Station
  2. Global Positioning System ✔️
  3. Global photo through Satellites
  4. Global Planet System
  • Saturn consists of :
  1. Carbon di oxide
  2. rocks and water
  3. only rocks
  4. hydrogen and helium gas ✔️
  • The most beautiful planet is:
  1. Uranus
  2. Neptune
  3. Earth
  4. Saturn ✔️
  • How many moons Saturn has?
  1. 35
  2. 53 ✔️
  3. 2
  4. 20
  • Which planet moves fastest?
  1. Uranas
  2. Neptune
  3. Saturn
  4. Jupiter ✔️
  • Which planet has the shortest day?
  1. Neptune
  2. Uranus
  3. Jupitar ✔️
  4. Saturn
  • Which planet rotates from west to east:
  1. Venus
  2. Earth ✔️
  3. Both Venus and Earth.
  4. None of these
  • The planet that rotates from east to west is:
  1. Neptune
  2. Jupitar
  3. Venus ✔️
  4. Saturn
  • Which planet has the longest year?
  1. Neptune ✔️
  2. Jupitar
  3. Saturn
  4. Venus
  • The ____ part of the sun is visible to us.
  1. Core
  2. Ozonosphere
  3. Ionosphere
  4. Photosphere ✔️
  • ____ is the deepest point on Earth from the sea level.
  1. Mariana Trench ✔️
  2. Pacific Ocean
  3. Atlantic Ocean
  4. Red Sea
  • Time taken by the light of the Sun to reach on the surface of the Earth is ____.
  1. 8 minutes 18 seconds ✔️
  2. 18 minutes 8 seconds
  3. 12 minutes 6 seconds
  4. 6 minutes 12 seconds
  • ____ has the highest density in the solar system
  1. Uranus
  2. Mars
  3. Earth ✔️
  4. Neptune

Quiz on Solar System

Here is the quiz for you.

Created on By tanusri.kar.sen

MCQ on Solar System

1 / 25

Milky Way Galaxy was named

2 / 25

The name of our Galaxy is

3 / 25

Moon is _________km away from us.

4 / 25

How many days Mercury take to complete one round along its orbit?

5 / 25

The sun is about _______away from the Earth.

6 / 25

The largest asteroid is

7 / 25

The moon completes its one revolution around the earth is:

8 / 25

The gravitational pull of the Moon is ___than the gravitational pull of Earth.

9 / 25

The natural satellite of Earth is

10 / 25

The blue color of Uranus is because of:

11 / 25

Saturn is made of:

12 / 25

Largest planet in the Solar system is:

13 / 25

Which of the following is called "Red Planet"?

14 / 25

____% of the surface of the Earth is covered by oceans:

15 / 25

Which of the following is known as Blue Planet?

16 / 25

Morning star or evening star is:

17 / 25

The smallest planet of the solar system is:

18 / 25

Gas giants are called:

19 / 25

Which of the following is not a terrestrial planet?

20 / 25

Which of the following is a terrestrial planet?

21 / 25

The name of the largest Star is:

22 / 25

The mass of an Asteroid is

23 / 25

The ringed planet is:

24 / 25

The name of the nearest Galaxy is:

25 / 25

The shape of our Galaxy is:

Your score is

The average score is 70%


The multiple-choice questions mentioned here are the basic questions from the chapter -” Solar System” that will help you in school examinations and also in different competitive examinations.

You may consider this as a test of 25 marks. After completion of the test, you can check the answers and can come to know how much you know about our Solar System.

If you want to know the Solar System in detail so that you can answer all the MCQ Questions, then please scroll down and read the following text.

Overview of Solar System

The Solar System means the Sun and the other objects that move around it. It comprises all the planets, Moon, Stars, Satellites, Comets, Asteroids, dust, and gas. Sun is an average size star. The largest star is the Pistol Star. It is 100 times bigger than our Sun. It is 148.78 million Km away from Earth.



Our Solar System is the part of the Universe.

The universe is a vast space size of which is unknown. It contains matter and energy in the form of galaxies, stars, and planets. Astronomers believed that a powerful explosion that occurred about 13.7 billion years ago causes the universe to expand outwards. This explosion is known as Big Bang.

Scientists can find out whether an object shifts towards the Earth or moves away from the Earth. This is the Doppler Shift.


A cluster of stars, dust, and gas held together by the force of gravity is known as Galaxy. The shape of the Galaxies may vary. The shape of some Galaxies may be of irregular shape, elliptical, spiral, etc.

The name of our Galaxy is Milky Way Galaxy. It is also called as Akash Ganga.

The shape is spiral. In the middle of our Galaxy, there exists a giant black hole. The name of the nearest galaxy is Andromeda.

Planets of our Solar System

There is a controversy about the number of planets in our galaxy. There are 8 numbers planets in our Solar System.

Earlier, scientists believed that the number of planets was 9. The ninth planet, i.e, Pluto that was discovered in 1930, is called a dwarf planet.

The names of the planets from the Sun are:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The inner four planets closest to the Sun-Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called Terrestrial planets. The surfaces of these planets are rocky. The last four planets, i.e. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called as Gas giants. These planets are of enormous size. Hence, these are also called Jovian or Jupiter-like planets. Mostly, they are made of gases- hydrogen and helium.


Mercury that is the smallest planet in our solar system, rotates around the Sun in 88 days. It is the smallest planet. The day temperature of Mercury is 4500c. The night temperature is minus 1800c.


This is the second planet from the Sun. This is hotter than Mercury. The average temperature is 4650c. Venus is an example of the greenhouse effect.

It is also called as Morning star or Evening star.


Earth, the third planet from the Sun, is called Blue Planet. Two-thirds of this planet is covered by water. There are nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere of the Earth.

It takes 23 hours and 56 minutes to rotate around its axes and 365.24 days to rotate around the Sun.

It has one natural satellite, called Moon which is 384,400 Km away from the Earth. The gravitational pull on Moon is 1/6th of that of the Earth.


The fourth planet is Mars which is a desert-like place. The surface of Mars is rocky like Earth’s surface and is called Red Planet.

It has two numbers Moons.

It takes 24 hours and 37 minutes to rotate around its axes and 687 Earth days to rotate around the Sun.


The fifth planet, Jupiter, is the greatest planet in our Solar System which takes 9.8 Earth years to rotate around the Sun and takes 9.8 earth hours to rotate around its axes. It has 75 numbers Moons and has a strong magnetic field.

It takes 9.8 Earth hours to rotate around its axes and 11.9 Earth years to rotate around the Sun.


Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun, and consists of 75% Hydrogen and 25% Helium. The second-largest planet in our solar system takes 10.7 hours to rotate around its axes and 29 Earth years to orbit the sun.

It has 53 numbers known Moons and has seven numbers of glorious rings. These rings have several gaps and divisions between them.


Uranus, the seventh planet, is an ice giant planet. It has 27 numbers known Moons and has rings like Saturn.

It takes 27 hours to rotate around its axes and 84 Earth years to orbit the Sun. The color of it is blue because of Methane gas.


The last planet from the Sun is Neptune. It is a ringed planet and has 14 numbers known Moons.

It takes 16 hours to rotate around its axes and 165 Earth years to orbit the Sun.


Asteroids are like rocks that revolve around the Sun. These rocks are so small that they can’t be called a Planet. These are also known as Planetoids or minor planets.

The mass of all Asteroids together is less than that of Earth’s Moon.

The largest Asteroid is Ceres.


Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rocks that orbit the Sun.

I hope that you have got some ideas on Solar System.

Also, I hope that the article is enriched and is helpful to you. If you have any queries or doubts about the Multiple-Choice Questions on Solar System, please let me know by writing in the comment box so that I can give the answer to those queries. Best wishes!


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