Multiple-Choice Questions or Objective-Type Questions on Sheet Metal Operations [PDF Included]

Here, I will brief you about the Sheet Metal shop. The tools or instruments required and the operations performed in the sheet metal shop have been described under the ‘Overview’ portion. Also, I will display some Multiple-Choice Questions on Sheet Metal Operations. In the end, there will be a Sheet Metal Quiz.

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Multiple-Choice Questions or Viva Questions on Sheet Metal Operations

  • Generally, the thickness of sheet metal is indicated by:
  1. Centimetre
  2. Gauge
  3. Standard size
  4. None of the above

  Ans: (2)

  • Which machine do you require when you need to cut the sheet metal at 45 or 90 degrees?
  1. Bending
  2. Drilling
  3. Tapping
  4. Notching

Ans: (4)

  • Which size of sheet metal will you choose for the toolbox?
  1. 410 mm x 410 mm
  2. 410 feet x 410 feet
  3. 410 cm x 410 cm
  4. 460 mm x 460 mm

Ans: (1)

  • If you want to create a small indentation (hole) at the center of the sheet metal, you need ____.
  1. Scriber
  2. Tri square
  3. Centre punch
  4. None of the above

Ans: (3)

  • Which instrument will you use for bending the sheet?
  1. Ball peen hammer
  2. Brakes
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Ans: (2)

  • Which materials are there within the steel?
  1. Wood and aluminium
  2. Iron and carbon
  3. Wood and carbon
  4. Iron and aluminium

Ans: (2)

  • By which instrument, you can create an external screw thread?
  1. Taps and tap wrench
  2. Firmer chisel
  3. Dies
  4. None of these

Ans: (3)

  • Which sheet is used while making a food container?
  1. Galvanised iron
  2. Mild steel
  3. Tin
  4. None of these

Ans: (3)

  • The material of an HVAC duct is ____.
  1. Galvanised iron
  2. Mild steel
  3. Tin
  4. None of these

Ans: (1)

  • Galvanised iron sheets are coated with ____.
  1. Tin
  2. Copper
  3. Nickel
  4. Zinc

Ans: (4)

  • The included angle of a Center punch is
  1. 60 degree
  2. 50 degree
  3. 40 degree
  4. 90 degree

Ans: (4)

  • Some sheets can be cut using straight shear. The thickness of these sheets
  1. 18 SWG
  2. 22 SWG
  3. 24 SWG
  4. 20 SWG

Ans: (3)

  • Where will you provide the clearance in the blanking operation?
  1. On the punch
  2. On the die
  3. Anyone either punch or die
  4. None of these

Ans: (2)

  • Which material will you use in radiation shielding?
  1. Aluminium
  2. Tin
  3. Lead
  4. Zinc

Ans: (3)

  • By which of the following methods, can you develop the surfaces required in the sheet metal shop?
  1. Parallel line method
  2. Radial line method
  3. Triangulation method
  4. None of these

Ans: (4)

  • Shearing process means
  1. Cutting of sheet metal
  2. Developing the surfaces of sheet metal components
  3. Laying out the sheet metal
  4. Measuring the sheet metal

Ans: (1)

  • Shaving in a sheet metal shop is
  1. Removal of extra material that is generated during forging and casting.
  2. A finishing operation by which a small amount of material is cut from the edge of a blanked part.
  3. A process by which a series of notches is cut.
  4. Removal of small portion of metal along the edge of the sheet.

Ans: (2)

  • Trimming in sheet metal shop is
  1. Removal of extra material that is generated during forging and casting.
  2. A finishing operation by which a small amount of material is cut from the edge of a blanked part.
  3. A process by which a series of notches is cut.
  4. Removal of small portion of metal along the edge of the sheet.

Ans: (1)

  • Notching in sheet metal shop is
  1. Removal of extra material that is generated during forging and casting.
  2. A finishing operation by which a small amount of material is cut from the edge of a blanked part.
  3. A process by which a series of notches is cut.
  4. Removal of small portion of metal along the edge of the sheet.

Ans: (4)

  • Nibbling in sheet metal shop is
  1. Removal of extra material that is generated during forging and casting.
  2. A finishing operation by which a small amount of material is cut from the edge of a blanked part.
  3. A process by which a series of notches is cut.
  4. Removal of small portion of metal along the edge of the sheet.

Ans: (3)

  • Which operation is required for getting a greater dimensional accuracy?
  1. Shaving
  2. Trimming
  3. Embossing
  4. Notching

Ans: (1)

  • To provide the rigidity to the sheet metals, which operation is needed?
  1. Shaving
  2. Trimming
  3. Embossing
  4. Notching

Ans: (3)

  • Which operation is sometimes called a forming operation?
  1. Embossing
  2. Trimming
  3. Bending
  4. Notching

Ans: (3)

  • Which operation is a must for creating decorative sheet works?
  1. Embossing
  2. Trimming
  3. Bending
  4. Notching

Ans: (1)

  • Coining is a
  1. Hot forging operation
  2. Bending operation
  3. Embossing operation
  4. Cold forging operation

Ans: (4)

  • Which of the following methods used for sheet metal joining?
  1. Rivetting
  2. Screwing
  3. Soldering
  4. All of these

Ans: (4)

Sheet Metal Quiz

Here is the Quiz on Sheet Metal for you.

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Quiz on Sheet Metal Operations

1 / 10

Which type of tool the Stake is?

2 / 10

Which of the following tool will you use to measure the thickness of the sheet metal to get the highest accuracy?

3 / 10

For which of the following components, you will use Funnel Stake?

4 / 10

Trammel point is a ____tool.

5 / 10

Where will you provide the shear in Punching Operation?

6 / 10

Which die will you use for simultaneous operation of Blanking and Punching?

7 / 10

Where will you provide shear in blanking operation?

8 / 10

For making a cup-shaped article from flat sheet metal blank, which process will you follow?

9 / 10

By which process, you can join the sheet metal?

10 / 10

Which of the following sheet will you define as Sheet Metal?

Your score is

The average score is 47%



What is Sheet Metal?

When we work on a thin sheet of thickness 16 gauge to 30 gauge with the help of a simple machine and hand tool, the sheet is termed as sheet metal.

It can be made either from ferrous materials or from non-ferrous materials. These ferrous sheets can be coated or non-coated. Cast Iron, Stainless steel, Carbon steel, Alloy steel, etc have much iron present in them. Hence, it is called ferrous material.

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon.

Hand Tools used in Sheet Metal

Steel rule

For marking and measuring the linear dimensions. You will get millimeter and centimeter units on one side and in the other side, you will get an inch unit.

The least count of a steel rule is 0.5 mm or (1/64)”.

It is made of hardened steel. After performing heat treatment on high carbon steel or medium carbon steel, we get hardened steel.

Folding rule

it helps in measuring and marking parallel lines and 45-degree angles.

Steel square

It is a marking and measuring instrument. It has two parts. The narrow part is termed as tongue and the wider part is termed the body. It helps to check whether any two adjacent edges are at a right angle or not. Also, it helps to check whether the sheet is square-shaped or not.


It is used to draw the marking lines on a sheet or to scratch on the sheet.

There are two types of scribers are available. In one case, the tip of the scriber is straight and for another one, the tip of the scriber is bent at 90 degrees.


When you require to produce an arc or a circle on the sheet, the divider is used for drawing the arc or circle.

Trammel point

When you can’t use the divider for marking an arc or a circle due to the limitation of space, you should use a trammel point.


For making any type of operation on a sheet, you need to mark on the sheet as per the requirement of the final job piece. The lines required for marking are drawn by the scriber.

You have to make these lines permanent otherwise the lines will not be visible after some time. For making the markings permanent, you need a punch.

Create permanent dots on the markings with the help of any striking tool and punch. There are two different types of punches.

Prick punch

It produces small dots and the angle between the tips of the punch and the centerline of the punch is 30 degrees to 40 degrees.

Centre punch

It produces the dots at 60 degrees to 90-degree angles.

Various operations performed in Sheet Metal Shop

Scribing or marking operation: marking the lines by scratching on the surface of sheet metal as per requirement, is known as scribing or marking.

Notching: when you need to remove the material from the edge of the sheet as per the desired shape, removing this material is known as Notching.

Slitting: Cutting the sheet of metal in a straight line along the length is known as slitting.

Punching: Creating a cylindrical hole with the help of punch and die in a sheet of metal is termed punching.

Piercing: Creating a hole other than the cylindrical shape with the help of punch and die is termed piercing.

Drawing: For achieving the required shapes, sometimes you may need to stretch the sheet. This stretching operation is termed drawing.

Lancing: Shearing and bending of the sheet are done by striking a lancing tool. This operation is termed Lancing.

Planishing: Making the sheet metal smooth is termed Planishing.

Embossing: When you put an impression of figures or designs on the sheet metal, it is termed embossing.

Forming: When sheet metal is deformed by applying a force to get a required shape is termed forming.

Blanking: This is a metal forming process by which you can remove the material from the primary sheet of metal. The removed material is known as blank.

Perforating: For making a pattern of holes or slots, the sheet metal needs to be fabricated or punched. This is termed Perforating.


The multiple-choice questions mentioned here are the basic questions on Sheet Metal Operations. It will help you in clearing the viva during the semester examination. However, if you find any contradiction in my answers, please let me know and give me a chance to improve myself.

I hope that you like this article on the Multiple-Choice Questions on Sheet Metal Operations along with the quiz. If you want MCQ questions on some other topics, please let me know by writing in the comment box. Best Wishes!


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