Multiple-Choice Questions or Objective Type Questions on Natural Resources [PDF Included]

Are you worried about Multiple-Choice Questions on Natural Resources? You need not be worried at all as you are in the right place to get the MCQ Questions on Natural Resources. Here, I will show some multiple-choice questions on this topic.

There is also a Quiz on Natural Resources. You should appear for this Quiz. At the end of this article, you can download the MCQ sheet by clicking on the PDF downloadable button.

Now, let us move into the Objective Type Questions on Natural Resources.

Feature Image of Multiple-Choice Questions on Natural Resources

MCQ Questions or Interview Questions on Natural Resources

  • Based on availability, natural resources are of ____ types.
  1. two ✔️
  2. three
  3. four
  • Fossil fuel is a renewable source of energy.
  1. True
  2. False ✔️
  • Which one of the following is the renewable source of energy?
  1. Fossil Fuel
  2. Mineral
  3. Sunlight ✔️
  4. None of the above
  • Which one of the following is not a renewable source of energy?
  1. Fossil fuel ✔️
  2. Sunlight
  3. Wind
  4. Ocean
  • In renewable source of energy, quantity available is:
  1. finite
  2. infinite ✔️
  3. can’t say
  • In non- renewable source of energy, quantity available is:
  1. finite ✔️
  2. infinite
  3. can’t say
  • Which source of energy is environment friendly?
  1. renewable ✔️
  2. non-renewable
  3. can’t say
  • Which source of energy causes pollution?
  1. renewable
  2. non-renewable ✔️
  3. can’t say
  • Which source of energy is sustainable in nature?
  1. renewable ✔️
  2. non-renewable
  3. can’t say
  • The full form of LPG is:
  1. Low quality paraffin gas
  2. Liquefied petroleum gas ✔️
  3. Low quality petroleum gas
  4. Liquefied paraffin gas
  • The full form of CNG is:
  1. Compressed natural gas ✔️
  2. compact natural gas
  3. Compressed Nitrogen gas
  4. Compact Nitrogen gas
  • For the Aluminium products, the natural resource is:
  1. Tree
  2. Coal
  3. Bauxite ore ✔️
  4. None of these
  • Which source of energy can be replenished quickly?
  1. renewable ✔️
  2. non-renewable
  3. none of these
  4. can’t say
  • For electrical equipment, which is the natural resource?
  1. Copper ✔️
  2. Gold
  3. Bauxite ore
  4. None of these
  • For coins, which is the natural resource?
  1. Copper ✔️
  2. Gold
  3. Bauxite ore
  4. None of these
  • For jewellery, which is the natural resource?
  1. Copper
  2. Gold ✔️
  3. Bauxite ore
  4. None of these

Quiz on Natural Resources

The multiple-choice questions mentioned here are the basic questions from the chapter -” Natural Resources” that will help you in school examinations and also in different competitive examinations.

Let’s start the Quiz on Natural Resources:

Created on By tanusri.kar.sen

mcq on natural resources class 5

1 / 20

Which one of the following is the liquid fuel?

2 / 20

Which one of the following is solid fuel?

3 / 20

Which is used to run vehicles?

4 / 20

From me, you make electricity. From underground, you extract me. Now, you realize that I cause pollution. Who am I?

5 / 20

You can make renewable energy from me. I cover a major portion of the earth. I make all animals and plants cool. Life will not be there without me. Who am I?

6 / 20

Which one of the following is polluting and non-renewable energy?

7 / 20

The energy produced by the tidal plant is

8 / 20

Today, demand for natural resources is growing due to the__________.

9 / 20

Petroleum is taken out from the earth in the form of_____.

10 / 20

Minerals and fossil fuels take _____years to generate.

11 / 20

An important source of energy is:

12 / 20

Land, water and air are called the______.

13 / 20

Which animal is facing the danger of extinction in the river Ganga?

14 / 20

Which energy is called as the "resource of the future"?

15 / 20

Which energy does not cause pollution?

16 / 20

Fossil fuels are the examples of:

17 / 20

The full form of CNG is:

18 / 20

The full form of LPG is

19 / 20

The natural resources are divided into _______types.

20 / 20

Which one of the following is used for generating electricity?

Your score is

The average score is 70%


If you can’t answer some questions, you will find the answer of those questions along with the explanations in the following text.


Resources that exist without any help of human kind is known as natural resources.

Common examples of natural resources: air,water,sunlight,soil,stone,animals,plants,fuels,etc.


Based on the availability, natural resources are of two types: Renewable and non-renewable

What are the Renewable Sources?

For getting the energy output from this source, human kind has not to worry about the input source as it is available in infinite quantity. Example: Sunlight,Ocean,Wind,etc.

What are the Non-renewable Sources?

In this case, the input quantity is available in finite quantity. It may not be available in future. Example: Fossil fuels, minerals, etc.

What are the differences between renewable and non-renewable sources?

SL NORenewable sourcesNon-renewable sources
1.It can be renewedIt can’t be renewed
2.Quantity available is infiniteQuantity available is finite
3.Sustainable in natureExhaustible in nature
4.Environment friendlyNot environment friendly
5.Don’t cause pollutionCauses pollution
6.Replenish quicklyReplenish slowly
7.Low costHigh cost
Difference between Non-renewable sources and Renewable sources

What are the uses of Natural Resources?

There is a great role of natural resources for our development. As all of these are not renewable, we must use them carefully.

Some of them can be used directly but some need to be processed before using.

Petroleum is taken out from the earth in a crude form. It is refined into various forms such as diesel, petrol, kerosene, etc. These products are then used in homes and industries. Liquefied petroleum gas and compressed natural gas are also used in homes and industries. Coal is burnt and then heat is produced.

With the help of this great amount of heat, electricity is produced. Fuel is the main source of electricity but is not renewable. Research is going on so that we can get the maximum amount of electricity from renewable sources such as Solar energy, Wind energy, Tidal energy, Ocean energy, Wave energy, etc.

Sl NoNatural ResourceProduct/service
3.Oil / PetroleumPlastic,fuel
4.Natural gasFuel
6.Iron oreSteel products
7.Bauxite oreAluminum products
8.GoldJewelry, dental material
9.CopperWire,coins,electrical equipment
Uses of Natural Resources

Why should we conserve the Natural Resources?

Conservation means care for those resources so that they can sustain for future generations. As we preserve the food for tomorrow, similarly we should preserve the fuel for our future generation.

Sustainable use of nature by human beings is becoming an important issue for conserving the nature. Hunting the animals should be stopped for protecting the environment.

There is drastic increase of consumption of natural resources due to drastic increase of human population. As a result, earth’s biodiversity is lost. The loss of bio diversity is intertwined with species extinction. Though the extinction is a natural process, but the rate at which it occurs is not normal. As for example, Dolphins in the river Ganga are facing the danger of extinction.

Water, air and soil are being polluted due to their overuse and misuse. We, the mankind should obey the following rules for conserving the treasure and protecting the nature:

we should:

  • not through the garbage here and there.
  • stop the use of plastics.
  • not wastewater.
  • pollute the air and water.

Hence, it is important to use Natural Resources carefully and thus protect the nature.

I hope, the MCQ questions on Natural Resources will help you in your school examinations. Also, you can evaluate yourself by appearing for the Quiz on Natural Resources. If you have any comments or queries on this topic, please let me know by writing in the comment box. I am on the other side of the screen to help you all. Thank you. Wish you all the best!


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