Hello Readers! I hope that all of you are doing fine. Again I am here with a lot of Multiple-Choice Questions on Birds. While going through the Objective-type questions on Birds, you will come across some amazing facts on Birds and these are quite interesting. Let’s enjoy by gaining more knowledge!
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Multiple-Choice Questions on Birds
Here are some MCQ Questions on Birds:
- World’s largest bird is
- Hummingbird
- Ostrich
- Heron
- Vulture
Ans: (2)
- World’s smallest bird is
- Bee Hummingbird
- Ostrich
- Heron
- Vulture
Ans: (1)
- How many different types of feathers are there in birds?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Ans: (3)
- Which bird can’t fly?
- Hummingbird
- Ostrich
- Heron
- Vulture
Ans: (2)
- Which feathers were used as pens?
- Body feathers
- Tail feathers
- Wing feathers
- None of the above
Ans: (3)
- The size and shape of a bird’s wings depend on the type of:
- Foods it needs
- Flying it does
- The weather it feels comfort
- None of the above
Ans: (2)
- Which of the characteristics of wings helps a bird in increasing its speed?
- Long
- Broad,with long feather
- Pointed backwards
- Thin,narrow wings
Ans: (3)
- The wings of the ____ birds are pointed backward.
- Eagle and vulture
- Egrets and herons
- Albatross and sea gulls
- Sparrow and pigeons
Ans: (2)
- What types of beaks a parrot has?
- Crushing beaks
- Piercing and tearing beaks
- Probing beaks
- Curved beaks
Ans: (4)
- Nest of which bird looks like a huge platform of sticks?
- Gulliemot
- Lapwing
- Eagle
- Tailor bird
Ans: (3)
- Which of the following bird does not make a nest?
- Eagle
- Hummingbird
- Parrot
- Guillemot
Ans: (4)
- Which birds camouflage their eggs and chicks for their protection?
- Eagle
- Vulture
- Lapwing
- Ostrich
Ans: (3)
- Which type of beak a pigeon has?
- Crushing beaks
- Piercing and tearing beaks
- Probing beaks
- Curved beaks
Ans: (1)
- Which type of beak a kite has?
- Crushing beaks
- Piercing and tearing beaks
- Probing beaks
- Curved beaks
Ans: (2)
- Which type of beak a hummingbird has?
- Crushing beaks
- Piercing and tearing beaks
- Probing beaks
- Curved beaks
Ans: (3)
- Which bird drinks nectar from the flower?
- Lapwing
- Sparrow
- Ostrich
- Duck
Ans: (4)
- Which of the following birds have chiseling beaks?
- Lapwing
- Woodpecker
- Ostrich
- Eagle
Ans: (2)
- Talons are
- Long slender claws
- Webbed feet
- Thin legs and wide spreading toes
- Curved,strong,sharp claws
Ans: (4)
- Which of the following birds have webbed feet?
- Swans
- Storks
- Hens
- Woodpeckers
Ans: (1)
- Which bird lays its eggs on bare rocks?
- Hummingbird
- Lapwing
- Guillemot
- Woodpecker
Ans: (3)
- The outmost white cover of the egg is known as:
- Yolk
- Egg shell
- Albumen
- None of these
Ans: (2)
- Bird’s heart bit is more when
- It is flying
- It is taking rest
- Can’t say
- None of these
Ans: (2)
- The poisonous bird in the world is:
- Hooded pitohui
- Guillemot
- Storks
- Lapwing
Ans: (1)
- Which birds are known as radios of the world war?
- Cuckoo
- Hen
- Pigeaon
- Crow
Ans: (3)
- How much can penguins jump in the air?
- 2 feet
- 3 feet
- 5 feet
- 6 fet
Ans: (4)
- Which bird can sleep while flying?
- Albatross
- Guillemot
- Storks
- Lapwing
Ans: (1)
- Which birds can’t rotate their eyes, instead they rotate their head to see things?
- Parrot
- Eagle
- Owls
- Pigeon
Ans: (3)
- How many times can a woodpecker peck in a second?
- 10
- 20
- 30
- 40
Ans: (2)
- Which feathers are small and fluffy?
- Body feathers
- Flight feathers
- Down feathers
- Tail feathers
Ans: (3)
- Which feathers help the birds in changing the direction while flying?
- Body feathers
- Flight feathers
- Down feathers
- Tail feathers
Ans: (4)
Quiz on Birds
Here is the Quiz for you:
I hope that you all have enjoyed the article on Multiple-Choice Questions on Birds. This will surely help you in achieving a high score in your school examination / competitive examination. If you want MCQ questions on some other topics, let me know by writing in the comment box. Wish you all the best!