Multiple-Choice Questions or Objective-Type Questions on Air-Conditioning [PDF Included]

Are you making yourself ready for the upcoming examinations? Recently, all the examinations are based on multiple-choice questions. In this article, I will display some Multiple-Choice Questions on Air-Conditioning Systems that will boost you in examinations and also in viva.

In the last section, there will be 10 numbers Air Conditioning Quiz Questions. Appear for the test and fall in love with studying a lot of objective-type questions.

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So now let’s start the objective-type questions or viva questions.

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MCQ questions or Viva Questions on Air-Conditioning System

  • Air-Conditioning system runs on ____.
  1. Vapour compression cycle
  2. Vapour absorption cycle
  3. Rankine cycle
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Ans: (4)

  • The full form of TR is ____.
  1. Tonnage rate
  2. Ton of refrigeration
  3. None of these

Ans: (2)

  • One TR is equal to ____ BTU/hr.
  1. 8,000
  2. 10,000
  3. 12,000
  4. 14,000

Ans: (3)

  • One ton is equal to ____ KW of power.
  1. 35.17
  2. 0.35
  3. 3.517
  4. 3517

Ans: (3)

  • Which of the following parameter measures the refrigeration capacity of a refrigerator?
  1. Kw
  2. BTU/hr
  3. Ton of refrigeration
  4. None of these

Ans: (3)

  • The temperature that you measure by an ordinary thermometer is termed as ____.
  1. Wet bulb temperature
  2. Dry bulb temperature
  3. Relative humidity
  4. None of these

Ans: (2)

  • Which one of the following is known as wet-bulb depression?
  1. Difference between relative humidity and dry bulb temperature
  2. Difference between relative humidity and wet bulb temperature
  3. Difference between dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature
  4. None of these

Ans: (3)

  • Which of the following parameters can you measure by psychrometer?
  1. Dry bulb temperature
  2. Wet bulb temperature
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Ans: (3)

  • In a central air conditioning system, the duct carries
  1. Water
  2. Chilled water
  3. Warm air and cold air
  4. None of these

Ans: (3)

  • Which of the following equipment is used to throw the supply air in an air-conditioned space?
  1. Diffusers
  2. Grills
  3. Plenum
  4. All of the above

Ans: (4)

  • Generally while designing the duct, the maximum aspect ratio should be:
  1. 4:1
  2. 4.5:1
  3. 5:1
  4. There is no limit as such

Ans: (1)

  • The location of the supply air plenum box is ____.
  1. In the air conditioned zone
  2. In AHU room
  3. Adjacent to the chiller
  4. none of the above

Ans: (2)

  • Full form of AHU
  1. air handling unit
  2. air handling outlet
  3. Airwasher heat unit
  4. None of these

Ans: (1)

  • The maximum velocity in the supply air grills:
  1. 7 m/sec
  2. 5.5 m/sec
  3. 5 m/sec
  4. 2.5 m/sec

Ans: (4)

  • The maximum velocity in the supply air diffusers:
  1. 300 FPM
  2. 400 FPM
  3. 500 FPM
  4. 600 FPM

Ans: (3)

What do you mean by Aspect Ratio?

  1. Width:length
  2. Width: height
  3. Length: width
  4. Length: height

Ans: (2)

  • Which companies manufacture chillers?
  1. Mitsubishi
  2. Flaktwood
  3. Air Master
  4. None of these

Ans: (1)

  • How many different types of chillers are there?
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

Ans: (2). Reciprocating chiller, Centrifugal Chiller, Screw Chiller, and Absorption chiller.

  • In general, the temperature of the chilled water pipe that supplies the chilled water to the AHU unit is:
  1. 12 Degree C.
  2. 10 Degree C.
  3. 14 Degree C.
  4. 6 Degree C.

Ans: (4). It varies from 5 to 7 Degree C.

  • The temperature of the Condenser water pipe that supplies cold water to the chiller unit is:
  1. 32 Degree C
  2. 39 Degree C
  3. 37 Degree C
  4. None of the above

Ans: (1)

  • The temperature of the Condenser water pipe that supply hot water to the cooling tower is:
  1. 32 Degree C
  2. 42 Degree C
  3. 37 Degree C
  4. None of the above

Ans: (3)

  • Purpose of a cooling tower in central air conditioning system is:
  1. Evaporator unit exhanges heat with the cooling tower
  2. Condenser unit exchanges heat with the cooling tower
  3. AHU unit exchanges heat with the cooling tower
  4. None of these

Ans: (2)

  • The range of cooling tower is
  1. Wet bulb depression
  2. Dry bulb temperature – wet bulb temperature
  3. Cooling tower inlet temperature – cooling tower outlet temperature
  4. None of these

Ans: (3)

  • The approach of cooling tower is
  1. Wet bulb depression
  2. Dry bulb temperature – wet bulb temperature
  3. Cooling tower inlet temperature – cooling tower outlet temperature
  4. None of these

Ans: (2)

  • The color code of the chilled water pipe
  1. Black
  2. Red
  3. Green
  4. Blue

Ans: (3)

  • ACPH in air conditioning system stands for:
  1. Automatic control pre heater
  2. Air controlled per hour
  3. Air control pre heater
  4. Air changes per hour

Ans: (4)

  • ACPH in an air conditioning system should be:
  1. 0.5 to 1.5
  2. 25
  3. 35
  4. None of the above

Ans: (1)

Air Conditioning Quiz

Here is the Quiz on Air Conditioning System for you :

Created on

Air conditioning quiz

1 / 10

One ton of refrigeration is equal to ____.

2 / 10

ACPH in a residential air conditioning system should be:

3 / 10

How will you define the range of a cooling tower?

4 / 10

Aspect ratio of an air conditioning duct should be designed as ____

5 / 10

Air changes per hour is ____.

6 / 10

The sensible heat factor is the ____

7 / 10

The co-efficient of Performance (COP) of an Air-conditioner is ____.

8 / 10

When the by-pass factor of the cooling coil decreases, the efficiency ____.

9 / 10

When fin-spacing in a cooling coil decreases, the by-pass factor ____.

10 / 10

In which system air changes per hour is more?

Your score is

The average score is 53%



I hope that the Multiple-Choice Questions on Air-Conditioning System will help you in your college/university examinations and different types of competitive examinations. I will be more encouraged if I get feedback from your end. Please don’t forget to give feedback by writing in the comment box. Even, if you find any type of mistakes, please give me a chance to rectify those. Good Luck!

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